Run Details

Dear Runners
This week Sunday Long Run is scheduled in the following Location.

Time of Assembly: 05.30 AM,
Start Time: 06.00 AM
Distances: 08 and 12 Kms

Location:- Centro Grande, Road No.36, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.

Start location:-

Route Map:-

Hosted by: KBR & Hitec City Runners

Contact: Yalamanda Rao N.
Phone. 8790729000.

Course Details

Start from Centro Store Rd#36 jubilee hills, run towards Check post, take right, at Rd#45 again take right, on to the Durgam Cheruvu bridge, reach cyber towers, take right at cyber towers, follow the route to Jubilee Hills via Madhapur PS at Neeru’s Junction 12K runners make right towards Rd#36 and finish at Centro Store. For 8K take U turn before Flyover on Rd#45 and finish at Centro Store.





1. Do not participate if you feeling sick or ill or have fever, or if you been in contact with someone unrecovered from Covid-19. There will be a vehicle with basic first aid available for emergency. We recommend wearing a mask while waiting for the run to begin.

2. The run will start in staggered manner with a gap of 5mts each

3. All the runners should maintain a minimum of 6 feet distance from each other

4. Social distancing should be maintained at the holding area ( Pre & Post Run)

5.No close or large group pictures / selfies, please. Always maintain social distance guidelines

6. Do not share personal items, such as hydration, energy gels & towels etc

7. Masks or face covers are mandatory while in the holding area and while interacting with fellow runners. However, you may choose not wear a mask during the run but please maintain social distance.

  • We have been regularly advising runners to carry a handheld sipper or bottle to carry water/electrolyte along with them during the run to hydrate well, and we see most of the runners fail to adhere to this, we request all the runners to carry a bottle during the run and don’t rely completely on SAG vehicles
  • Post run Hydration – Runners are requested to carry a liter of water in your vehicle to hydrate yourself post run so that you need not wait until the SAG car return back,
  • The SAG support is only on the run and not for post run hydration.
  • Always carry a ID proof, emergency contact details, and some cash during the runs.
  • Run against traffic if running on the road. If running on the sidewalk or multi-use trails, travel on the right and pass on the left.
  • Never run more than two abreast if you are running in a group.
  • Don’t run down the middle of the road.
  • If you are running an out-and-back route, don’t just make a sudden U-turn at your turn around point. Stop, step to the right to allow oncoming traffic the opportunity to pass. Ensure the road or trail is clear of oncoming traffic (runners, cyclists, etc.) then make your U-turn. Making a sudden U-turn without looking over your shoulder is a good way to get hit.
  • Alert pedestrians when you are passing them – don’t assume they are aware of their surroundings. A simple “on your left” warning will suffice.
  • Be alert on blind curves.
  • Stop at stop signs and ensure oncoming traffic yields to you before proceeding across a road. Don’t assume cars will stop if you are entering a cross walk.
  • Respect private property along your route. Don’t relieve yourself in the neighbor’s bushes.
  • Don’t litter. If you can’t find a trash can, carry your trash home.
  • Ignore verbal harassment and do not verbally harass others. Use discretion in acknowledging strangers. Look directly at others and be observant, but keep your distance and keep moving.
  • Wear reflective material if you must run before dawn or after dark. Avoid running on the street when it is dark.
  • CALL POLICE IMMEDIATELY if something happens to you or someone else, or you notice anyone out of the ordinary. It is important to report incidents immediately