Hyderabad Runners is the first group in India to institutionalise running. Founded in May 2007, the primary aim of this not-for-profit society is to help people lead active lifestyles by making running a preferred form of fitness activity.
We achieve this end with a three-fold approach – Advocacy, Training & Events. While liaising with the Government, educational institutions & other organized sections of the society forms the basis for our advocacy arm, we have all-year-long training programs and events.
NMDC Hyderabad Marathon, an IAAF-AIMS certified run and India’s toughest city marathon, is the flagship event of Hyderabad Runners, which runners have been coveting since 2011.
With 30+ running groups in the city operating under Hyderabad Runners, and 6000 members in its official mailing group, membership has grown over 300 times since inception.
We strongly believe that running is a community-building exercise which cuts through social barriers & inculcates lifelong skills in young people. With this belief, we work towards creating a stronger community in Hyderabad.
Mission: To promote running as the preferred form of exercise in and around the twin cities.
Vision: To achieve a fit, athletic and active Hyderabad, by reaching out to every corner of the city.